The weekend started with an alumni basketball game at the new high school. We had 14 wonderful ladies on our team with yours truly being the oldest graduate on the team. I was a little shocked at how it was prison rules basketball right from the beginning. I have bruises to show for it, but man it was fun. You forget how those teams and those individuals become such a part of your life. I learned a lot on that basketball court. I learned that if you dig a little deeper when the going gets rough, that you just might come out on top. I learned that when I felt like I couldn't possible run one more suicide drill, in the end I could. I loved feeling a part of something bigger than me. I know that sports helped me stay out of trouble and for that I am truly thankful. Thanks to Darlene and Sheryl for making it such a great game that night. You both inspired me to play hard even though most of the alumni players were 20 years younger. Go us!
The actual reunion brought many pleasant surprises. I was able to reconnect with my dear friend Bill Sterling. Bill and I go way back. He is a real cowboy. He is a little rough around the edges. I will admit that as time passed and I had lost touch with him I really thought he might be dead. I was shocked when he popped up on facebook one day alive and kicking. Bill is one of those people that if you don't speak to him for a long time and then you see him again it is like you never missed a beat. Bill holds a special place in my heart. When we were freshman in high school we made a promise to each other to not do drugs. I know it sounds corny, but it is true. Trust me I had plenty of opportunities to be a big time druggy, but in the back of my mind I always remembered that promise. Thank you Bill for being there all those years ago and making that promise with me. You and that promise most certainly changed my life for the better.
I also had the pleasure of seeing my dear friend Cindy Fisher. Fisher and I were cheerleaders together. She is the same funny, spontaneous, dingy girl I remember. She is also one of the smartest girls I know. I often laugh when I am with my own daughter Carly Jo because I swear somedays she reminds me so much of Fish I feel I have given birth to another Cindy Fisher. You see Carly Jo is also one of the smartest little kids I know, but boy is she dingy. I look at it as a blessing that I get to be with Carly Jo and Fish all at the same time. Love you Fisher.
My sweet friend Donna Buxkemper was also at the reunion. Bux is one of those people that you just want the best for her no matter what. She is going through some tough times right now, but I know that she will come out of top. She is still the most beautiful girl I know.
The reunion gave me the opportunity to visit with lots of my old classmates. I have a new appreciation for some as they have had their share of hard times. Some have suffered the loss of children or gone through not one, but several divorces. Some have lost their parents or other loved ones. Some have made good decisions and some can't win for losing. Some are still the same funny, entertaining, kind, sweet, sincere people that they always were. Some carry such a burden that my heart truly breaks for them. I do know that I am cheering for them all. Once a cheerleader always a cheerleader I guess.
All in all it was a great night. I learned that you can't analyze the past too much. You have to be good with the decisions you have made so far. If you are not happy with those decisions then do something to make a change.
I learned that I feel really lucky. I have 2 sweet, sweet daughters that I adore. One that is somewhat like Fish and the other who has that sweet soul like Bux.
My dear friend Bill asked me if I was truly happy. He stated that he reads my facebook page and my blog and wanted to know if all of my statements about my life being so happy were truthful. To that I answered "Hell No"! There are days when I don't want to be the mommy and when I feel like telling my beloved Joe to go pound sand. But his questions did make me think. Trust me you have plenty of time to think on that long boring drive from Lubbock. I thought to myself you know I love those girls like no bodies business. I would take a bullet for either one of them. Then I thought of my beloved Joe. I thought why do I love that boy so much? The answer is simple. I love him because he always has my back. No matter what happens in our little life we always land on our feet. Thank you my beloved Joe for loving me way more than I deserve.
Show up and make it count!