Friday, August 15, 2008

Just One Thing

I had the pleasure of attending a nutritional seminar at the COOPER INSTITUTE in Dallas this past week. Kim, one of the ladies at our Keller EDGE asked me what was the one thing that I took away from the seminar that stood out the most. I would have to say it was this...cardiovascular fitness will improve your overall health more quickly than weight loss. I thought this was great because so many of us wait until we are thinner before we start working out. I can't tell you the number of people who tell me that they are embarrassed to go to the gym because they feel like they are too heavy. The Cooper Institute has done studies and have proved that cardiovascular fitness improves your health and reduces health risks more quickly than just losing weight alone. So just remember that changes and health benefits occur on the inside far more quickly than they might show up on the outside. I say get to the gym, take a walk or run, just do something to improve your cardiovascular system. So ladies don't wait until you are in a size 6 jeans or men don't wait until you have a 36 inch waist before you start working out.
Show up and make it count!

For additional information on the Cooper Institute or the EDGE click on their names above.

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