Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Just Curious
Is it lack of time or money? Is it lack of motivation? Are you easily distracted by other obligations? Do you just hate to exercise? Is it lack of support from family or friends? Is it something I am doing or not doing to help you in your journey?
One of the many things about this job that I enjoy is that I get to hear all of the excuses. Some are real and can't be avoided. Reasons like a sickness or just plain too sore to work-out today. Other excuses I just have to laugh about them. My beloved husband told me once that the reason his buddy from work got up and worked out everyday was because his buddy was in really good shape already! I thought to do you think he GOT in such good shape. I am glad to say that my sweet hubby has made the connection and can no longer use the "I am out of shape so I can't work-out" excuse. He is in great shape because he is working out on a regular basis! Go figure!
I have started a list of the best excuses for not coming to class that I have heard over the past 2 years. Some of you will remember telling me that very excuse and others will just shake your head and laugh! I am not going to post them today, but maybe one day I will. Remember I am laughing with you not at you.
Anyway, if you get a minute...really think about what is keeping you from achieving better health through being physically active. I am just curious to know. You may e-mail me your answers to
Show up and make it count!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Success of Failure
"The most difficult journey is back to the place where you failed" -Max Lucado
I came across this quote today and it really caught my attention. I think so many of us fail and then are fearful to begin again. If you find that you are back to that place where you failed in the past just remember you can always start over. Whatever it might be...weight loss, starting an exercise program, starting a new business after other's have failed, healing a relationship or even recovering from yet another injury. Just remember you can always have a do over, a new beginning or a fresh start!
Show up and make it count!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bread and "Butt"er
I have read many books and some state that you have to watch bread intake when you get into your 40's! I am starting to believe that they just might be on to something. I love bread! Please be clear on this! I think most people are very tolerant of it. I just think that for me the answer is the bread just goes straight to my "BUTT"er!
Show up and make it count!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Just Give Me the Fat Facts
One of the phrases that they said repeatedly during the nutritional seminar I attended at the Cooper Institute was "Calories in calories out!" The Cooper Institute also has a great website called Stand Up and Eat. You may find their information by going to
Finally, I wanted to add something that my sweet husband said the other day. My adult fitness client Jill was feeling disappointed that the scale had not moved but she continued to lose inches. My husband overheard the conversation that Jill and I were having. He told me later that all Jill really needed to do was "Throw out the scale and just look in the mirror!" Jill has lost well over 20 pounds and looks great. I think my husband was right on target with this observation. I think we get caught up in the numbers game with the body fat measurements and the read out on the scale. Sometimes all we really need to do is LOOK IN THE MIRROR! I have found that the mirror can be really honest.
Show up and make it count!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Runner Susan

This post is dedicated to my client, training partner and friend Runner Susan. She is off to Chicago tomorrow to run the Chicago marathon on Sunday. She has trained hard. She has trained harder than any other time I can remember. We have done leg torture and track torture for weeks now. She has run on her own and with our friend Massoman. I can't think of anything else we could have done to prepare her for this marathon. I would love to see Runner Susan shave 15 minutes off of her marathon time, but part of me doesn't care about that because she is a different athlete now. She knows that she can train and train well. She is stronger, leaner, more buff and faster. Her mind is stronger. I have enjoyed the journey and I know that Runner Susan is prepared.
My thoughts will be with you on Sunday. When you get to mile 16, 21, 25...remember that you are strong and that you can run like the wind! Remember that you are STEALTHY! So with that "Good Luck Runner Susan!"
Show up and make it count!
For additional information on Runner Susan and to visit her blog and wish her good luck click on her name above.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Fiber One Chewy Bars
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I Surrender