Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Consistently Inconsistent

My beloved Joe is the inspiration for my post today. I am sad to say that I have temporarily fired myself from training the boy. He seems to be one of those people that is in love with the idea of training. He has become so inconsistent in his training that my fears of him getting hurt came true last week. We were finishing up the work-out and had about 8 minutes left so I added in some extra ab work to pass the time. He seemed to be fine as he was doing the exercises, but later that evening his back completely went out on him. We are talking flat on his back with me waiting on him hand and foot. I thought to myself, "I am quitting this boy." He just doesn't get it. He trains for a week and then slacks for the next 2 weeks and then shows up for one work-out and ends up killing his back. I just can't let this happen anymore.
My point today is this...make a commitment to training. Be consistent. If you train a day here and there you are just going to be sore as crap and pissed off from the pain and sometimes INJURED. Make the choice and put your training on your schedule just like any other appointment. Look at your week each Sunday evening and find at least 3 days during the week that you can get a work-out in. Just do it. We Americans need to face the facts that we are living on junk food and we are FAT. Our hearts are struggling just to keep us upright somedays.
As I have said before start walking, join a gym, call me. Just get going as we are quickly getting fatter and less healthy.
I know that this sounds harsh. I know that firing myself from training my beloved Joe seems mean. I think it is just time to give the boy some tough love. I hope this separation is temporary. ;-)
Show up and make it count!

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