Friday, February 1, 2013

It's a good thing!

I have been plugging away at this caveman stuff and have come up with a list of good things that are happening since I started this journey.

  1. Hot flashes are gone.  I just realized yesterday that I haven't had a single hot flash since changing my diet.  This, my friends, is a good thing.
  2. Brittle nails are gone.  I am thinking the added fat in my diet is making my nails way better.  :)
  3. Hair texture is better.  My dry, hormonal, gray covered head of hair is actually feeling better.  Less dry and just better.  Still not good with all this gray though.
  4. Skin texture seems better.  Usually during this time of the year my skin is so dry and unbearable, but this year it seems better.
  5. Able to lift heavy again in the weight room without dying.  I had missed being a gym rat, but am glad to say that it has been a good week in the gym.  I may not be able to walk or lift my arms tomorrow, but still so glad to train with intensity.
  6. Less hungry overall.  Thinkin' my body is learning to use some of this extra chubby on my booty for fuel.  I am able to go for longer periods of time without dying for something to eat.  Very good thing.
  7. Smaller sized jeans are feeling comfortable again.  Enuf' said.
  8. Although I still have a lovely layer of chubby, I can see my muscles again.  I am one of those girls that likes a lot of muscle so the more the better.  Happy dance.
  9. Cravings for sugar and bread are gone.  Thank you baby Jesus.
  10. General sense of feeling happy most of the time.  Although my family keeps me on my toes and their stress levels are through the roof sometimes, I have been able to roll with the punches way better.  Don't get me wrong, I still want to punch people just not as often. ;-)
So overall I think this caveman paleo stuff is a good thing.  I am still trying to keep carbs around 100 for the day.  I know that there are days where I totally blow it and eat way more than that, but generally speaking I am on the right track.  After this mornings training I will most likely have a melt down later this afternoon and want to eat everything in sight.  My goal is to eat only paleo type things in sight.

Have a great weekend!

Show up and make it count!

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