Thursday, May 21, 2009

Keep your air off my apple!

I have been doing a lot of reading lately about anti-oxidants and free radicals and thought I might do a quick lesson on just what all of this means. As you read this post you will better understand the title of this blog.

You know when you cut an apple and you leave it sitting on the counter for a few minutes it immediately starts to turn brown. The air/oxygen attack the apple and start to break it down. If you left that apple on the counter for several days it would start to rot. The air or oxygen acts as free radicals to the apple. The apple has no way to preserve its freshness once it is cut and open to the oxygen. The neat thing is that if you take that same apple slice and rub the juice of an orange across the exposed surface it will stay nice and fresh for some time. The citrus juice of the orange acts as an anti-oxidant to the apple. It serves as a protector or an anti-oxidant of the free radicals of the air.

Stay with me here...your body has the same thing going on inside of it. If you eat overly processed food, smoke, drink heavily or breath unclean air you are taking in tons of potential free radicals. They are having a party in your body and unfortunately you are not invited.

The good thing here is that you can control the number of free radicals roaming around in your body by taking in good healthy food that contains plenty of anti-oxidants. That same orange that kept your apple from turning brown can also help your body from turning brown on the inside as well.

There are many anti-oxidants and it just so happens that one of the most well known is Vitamin C. I will be blogging about it next.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Science Project Update 2

I went to see Dr. Block yesterday to look over some of the results of my tests. The most important one to me is the female hormone panel, but unfortunately I am a still a spittin' so I will update later on that one.

I do have a couple of new words that my sweet husband and the Devil have come up with to describe my hormonal state. The first is from my beloved Joe who has fondly phrased my state of going postal at any minute the last 14 days of the month as in a state of "Psychomones". Hey the guy lives with me and watches me go from sweet Cindy to I will cut you deep if only I had a knife all in a split second. He can call me "Psychomone" as much as he wants and I am good with it.

The next new word came from the Devil as we were talking of all of the injuries and obstacles that I have been through over the last few years. The Devil's new word was "hornomenal"! A spin off of the words hormones and phenomenal. We decided that this word has way too many possible open ended meanings so we haven't discussed it any further. Too funny just the same though.

First up on the lab work was my blood work. It looked good with cholesterol being 132. The good cholesterol or HDL was 66 and the not so good cholesterol being 55. Dr. B said it was so low I just might need some cholesterol. Could she not have said I need more chocolate, margaritas, chips and queso? No, no, no more cholesteral. Go figure. My triglycerides were 53.

The allergy tests came back with a few surprises. I am pretty much sensitive to all dairy and eggs as well as baker's yeast, oysters, pecans and tomatoes. My main outdoor allergy is Bermuda grass. Just my luck that I have an acre and a half of it at my house. Lucky me! Doug asked me today about the whole allergy test thing and just what it means as I have been eating eggs and drinking milk for 42 years. My beloved Joe had the same thought as well. I will admit it never once occurred to me that I might be allergic to either of these things. I am thinking that my allergies to these things may be milder than most people, but I am curious as to how I will feel once I give them up. They may be just the thing that has been dragging me down. I might JUST might give up dairy and eggs and turn in to like super turbo girl. Hey I am willing to give it a shot!

The next test was the test for all of the poop collecting I was doing. For the most part I do have great guts. There is just one little small gut bacteria (see I knew I liked that word) called proteus mirabilis that is hanging out in there. I am going after it with some natural remedies of grapefruit seed extract and Uva Ursi.

The last test result has me a little concerned as it was the estrogen metabolism assessment test. My layman's understanding of this test was to give me an idea of how my body metabolizes estrogen. It can either metabolize it towards a more cancerous future or a less cancerous future. The places that these cancers show up would be in the uterus (I don't have one), the cervix (I don't have one of those either), the ovaries (I do still have two of these, but they are not in good shape), and the breast tissue (I do have boobs you just can't see them)!

I am concerned on this test because my numbers are totally leaning towards a cancerous future. The first number of concern is an 88 and should be like 400. This test was the 2-Hydroxyestrone. The second number is a 468 and should be like 88. This test was the 16alpha-Hydroxyestrone. I am totally flipped on the numbers on this test. Dr. Block has asked me to take a couple of supplements one called DIM and the other would be more Omega Plex. When she says more Omega Plex she means 6 times a day.

I feel a little overwhelmed by all of this and I am sure that as soon as I learn more about each thing I will be blogging about it.

So with that I am going to go and eat a papaya, some red snapper, a beet and some buckwheat as I sit in the rough pigweed weeds and have a picnic. Hey it is totally OK because I am not allergic to any of these things.

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No more B's I promise...Pantothenic Acid

B5 also known as pantothenic acid is the last of the b vitas. It gets its name from the greek word "panto" which means "everywhere". This is because pantothenic acid is found in a wide variety of foods.

These food groups include such things as YES, YES, YES, beef liver! I am so thrilled that it is found in beef liver. I never ever in a million years would have guessed that it would be in beef liver! Thank you baby Jesus! It is also in avocado, chicken, mushrooms, trout, peanuts, pink salmon, lima beans, milk, tomato sauce, almonds and oranges.

The daily amount of pantothenic acid is 5mg per day. It is available in oral supplements as calcium pantothenate.

Pantothenic acid supports adrenal function, can alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, to promote weight loss, to boost immunity and to speed up wound healing. To all of you sportos out there it has also been reported to enhance athletic performance by improving endurance and aerobic capacity. And we thought acid just made us see a purple haze! No sir!

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One more b in Biotin

Back to the vitamins today and it is biotin. Biotin is essential for protein metabolism, the release of energy from food, to manufacture genetic material and for a healthy immune system and healthy hair.

The recommended dose of Biotin is 30 mcg per day and 35 mcg per day if breastfeeding.

Biotin is absorbed from food and from intestinal bacteria. An interesting thing about Biotin is that it is absorbed in the small intestines. Any excess is excreted in the urine. The amount of Biotin excreted in your urine and poop is 6 times greater than what is taken in by food. Why you ask? Well let me tell you! Large quantities of biotin are produced by our gut bacteria. Gut bacteria isn't that just a neat sounding combo of words. I can just hear the conversation now.

"Hey Billy Bob what you been up to lately?" "Well Beau Don I just been producin' Biotin with my gut bacteria!" Yee haw!!!

Anyway, you guessed it Biotin can be found in beef liver, peanuts, eggs, chocolate, molasses, corn, milk and chicken.

I am cutting it short tonight as my broken finger is screaming from typing.

Show up and make it count!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pull My Finger

I am taking a "break" from the vitamins today to show you a new kind of "break". While playing prison rules frisbee yesterday I managed to break myself once again. Yes, it is broken and yes I am bummed. I am bummed for two reasons. Reason number one is that we still have two more weeks of prison rules frisbee left and then we are done until the fall. I will miss those two weeks. Ugh!!! Reason number two is that this is my shifter finger for my bike and I really need this finger to work so I can continue to ride my bike. I guess I will have to either not shift or use another finger or fingers to shift. I am still a rookie on the bike and these kinds of complications are cause for more wrecks which could lead to more breaks.

On a positive note I know that this will heal and it will be ready for more prison rules Frisbee in the fall. Also, every time I get injured it causes me to have to learn how to keep training around that injury. This my peeps makes me able to train you around your injuries. You see where I am going with this! It is all about you peeps all about you. I am sweet like that you know.

Below is a short list of how I can continue to train with this minor set back:

  1. I can still run outside with the rabbit Deana and Runner Susan or gassers or shuttles or sprints with the Devil.
  2. I can still do push-ups.
  3. I can still do ab and core work.
  4. I can still lift upper body weights just maybe a little lighter on my right hand side.
  5. I can do the leg press machine and the jam n squat machine with the Devil.
  6. I can still work with resistance bands, dumbbells, and body weight only resistance.
  7. I can lunge, squat and hold planks till the cows come home.
  8. I can always use a smaller splint to hold my finger in place while I ride my bike.
  9. I have already purchased such splint and will try it out tomorrow. See I am on it peeps.
It looks to me like I can still train just as hard just with a broken finger! Cool!

Show up and make it count!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


The next B vitamin on the list is B12. Guess what? It helps release the energy from our food and the metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids. It promotes healthy growth and development of our bodies and helps to give us healthy nerves, blood cells, skin and hair. These B vitamins B good to us!

This B vitamin is water soluble. It also requires a compound known as intrinsic factor which is secreted from the cells in the lining of the stomach to enable it to achieve proper absorption.

B12 is found guess where? It is found in liver and organ meats. No way! Yes way! Liver once again! It is also is shellfish, milk, most dairy products and eggs.

The recommended dietary allowance for B12 is about 2.4 mcg per day. One fillet of haddock and you almost have your B12 for the day.

B12 is used therapeutically with those with HIV/AIDS as it helps increase their immune system effectiveness. It also is used to help individuals achieve better sleep. B12 injections are also used by some folks as a general tonic of sorts. After the B12 injection these individuals report feelings of increased energy and overall feelings of improved health. Bring on the B12!

Show up and make it count!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Folate or Folic Acid or Foliage

Any compound that has vitamin like activity similar to folic acid may be referred to as folate as well. Folic acid is from the latin word foliage as folic acid was originally found in green leafy veggies.

Folic acid is essential for DNA and RNA synthesis. DNA and RNA are the genetic material in cells of the body. Folic acid or folate is vital in the growth and reproduction of all body cells, maintenance of the genetic code and regulating the division of cells in the body. It also contributes in the transferring of inherited characteristics from one cell to another.

Most mother's are familiar with folic acid and folate as it is drilled in to our heads from day one of pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy to take those big giant horse pill pre-natal vitamins. There is nothing better than trying to swallow one of those beasts when all you really want to do is hurl from morning sickness! UGH!! Just the same though folic acid helps support a healthy pregnancy. It also helps prevent birth defects such as spina bifida (failure of the spinal column to close) and anencephaly (failure of the brain to develop). I say bring on the horse pills!

Folate and/or folic acid can be found in chicken, those damned ol' black eyed peas (inside joke), beef liver, spinach, navy beans, lima beans, peas, cos lettuce , OJ and papaya.

The recommended daily allowances are 400 mcg and 600 mcg for pregos! Folic acid is the type of folate usually found in supplement form and fortified foods. The most active form of folate is folinic acid and is also found is some supplements.

One other thing of interest is folic acid is best absorbed in the area of the intestine just beyond the stomach. If your multi-vitamin doesn't dissolve in about an hour after you take it the folic acid absorbed may be inadequate as it might just pass on through!

Show up and make it count!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lean in 13 from Advocare

I have been following a plan call the Lean in 13 from Advocare. It consists of eating a clean diet of fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and lean protein. You also include Advocare Muscle Gain, Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes and Advocare Post Work-out Recovery Shakes. I found that I was having difficulty getting the shakes to mix up smoothly. I found this great little hand held mixer from Wal Mart. It was around 10 bucks and works like a champ. It is really easy to clean and very easy to use. If you need any additional information about Advocare go here.

Show up and make it count!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Skipping to B6

The next vitamin on our journey of learning is B6. What happened to B4 and B5 you ask? I am not sure. I guess these scientist people just forgot those two. Anyway, on with B6. Vitamin B6 is also a water soluble vitamin so you must take it daily as any extra is excreted in your tinkle once again!

B6 is also needed to help release energy from food we consume. Peeps if you only get one thing out of the B vitamin set it is this: Take these vitamins as they help you burn what you eat. This is no scientific statement just an observation from Cindy Lou Who. Let me repeat myself here. If these B vitamins are doing one thing for you it is releasing the energy from your food. We need that to happen so get your B's in daily! You will thank me for it later.

Also, B6 helps us maintain a healthy cardiovascular, nervous and immune system. It helps with protein metabolism and hormone production as well. There are many, many other things that B6 will do for you as well.

The sources of B6 are meat, fish, eggs, milk and whole grains. Things like wheatgerm, bananas, ham, avocado, raisins, mackerel and brown rice. B6 is a little like Vitamin A as it is part of a family of chemically related compounds. The pyridoxamine and pyridoxal compounds of B6 are found in animal food sources. The pyridoxine compounds are found in plant sources.

The daily recommended intake of B6 is 1.3 to 1.7 mg daily. If you are looking for a supplement for B6 you may find it in Advocare's Coreplex.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

B3 is next

The third vitamin of the B's is B3 or Niacin. Niacin is used therapeutically to treat diabetes, mental problems, high cholesterol, digestive problems, headaches, skin ailments and fatigue. I got tired just typing all of that information. I guess I need some niacin!

It also is essential for the release of energy from food. There seems to be a pattern with these B's and their releasing of energy. I would say make sure and get your B's in daily as B3 is again water soluble. Niacin is a white powder and is more resistant to destruction in the body than other B complex vitamins. The body is also able to convert the amino acid tryptophan into niacin. Cool! It also plays a role in keeping our skin, blood cells and digestive systems healthy as well as our brain and nervous system. It assists in hormone production and the repair of genetic material. Again this B vitamin helps with normal growth and development of our bodies. This niacin is good stuff man!

Niacin can be found in food sources such as tuna, salmon, Special K cereal, lamb liver (liver again), peanuts, pork sausage, corn and spaghetti.

The recommended daily allowances for Niacin are around 14 to 16 mg. And guess what? You can find Niacin in Advocare's Coreplex. I would say that Coreplex is some good stuff too man!

Show up and make it count!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What in the Sam Hill is Riboflavin?

In honor of my friend Runner Susan and her new favorite word "Sam Hill" we will learn about Riboflavin today. Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 was the second B vitamin to be discovered. It is water soluble as well and when the excess is excreted from your body your tinkle will be really yellow! For some reason that sentence just makes me laugh. It must be all of this collecting I have been doing for the "Science Project".

Stay with me here...Riboflavin is part of 2 coenzymes called flavin adenine dinucleotide or FAD and flavin mononucleotide or FMN. These are essential for tissue respiration and to generate energy from carbohydrates, amino acids and fats. Again we need this to keep our systems running. It is also important for reproduction, growth, repair and development of our body tissues. These tissues include our skin, hair, nails, connective tissue and immune systems.

Riboflavin has also been used to effectively treat migraine headaches. A 1998 study done in Belgium on 55 people showed that 59% of those given the Riboflavin instead of the placebo reported less headache pain. Interesting!

Riboflavin can be found in organ meats such as liver, kidney and heart. That just seems wrong peeps! It can also be found in almonds, spinach, pink salmon, boiled eggs, oats and soy milk. The best source for a girl like me is milk chocolate. Now that beats kidney and heart anyday!

The recommended dietary intakes is around 1.2 mg. Again you may find this in Advocare's Coreplex and Advocare's Spark.

Now go and eat that milk chocolate and be glad you did it!

Show up and make it count!

Monday, May 4, 2009

B comes after A

The next vitamin on the list is Vitamin B. I have learned there are many B vitamins. Vitamin B is a complex of 8 water soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins must be replaced daily as any extra is excreted in your urine. Here we go potty talking again! Anyway, we will start with B1 otherwise known as Thiamine.

Thiamine and the other B vitamins are necessary to help metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein so that the body may grow. They maintain the health of our hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, immune system, hormone-producing glands and our digestive system.

Thiamine is found in oatmeal, whole grains, pork, fish, poultry, nuts, dried peas and beans and avocado. Also in veggies such as spinach and cauliflower. Magnesium is necessary to convert Thiamine to its active form. A shot of Vitamin C helps improve its absorption as well.

Coreplex from Advocare provides 4.5 mg in caplet form if you are looking for a supplement. The recommended daily allowance of Thiamine is around 1.1 to 1.2 mg a day.

See this whole time you thought bees just made honey! Duh!

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Tami's Special Request

I have received my first special request from my dear friend Tami. She would like to know more about Fenugreek and Thistle and/or Milk Thistle.

I will start with Fenugreek. It is a culinary herb which has been used as a medicine. It has been known to lower blood pressure and act as a anti-inflammatory and an anti-spasmodic. Since Tami is a new mother it might come in handy to her since it is known to increase the flow of mother's milk.

It is used to treat sore throats, bronchitis and to improve digestion. For all you hormonal women out there it is also recommended for menopausal women. It is NOT recommended for use by pregnant women.

Tami's next request was Thistle and/or Milk Thistle. It is native to Europe and some parts of the USA and has liver-protecting properties. It is also called its botanical name Silybum marianum. It is used to treat liver disease caused from both cirrhosis and hepatitis. It is used to treat gallstones and psoriasis as well.

There you go learn something new everyday! Thanks for the request!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Vitamin A is A OK

Here we go on our journey starting from the top with Vitamin A. It was first identified in 1913 by two American scientists and they called this substance "fat soluble A." So we now know that Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. This means that fat from our food is necessary for this vitamin to be absorbed in the body.

So just what have you done for me lately Mr. Vitamin A? We need Vitamin A for many reasons. It is essential for healthy eyes and vision, the growth and repair of our cells and protection against infection. These are just a few of things it will do.

What types of Vitamin A are there? There are two types of Vitamin A. The first being Pre-formed Vitamin A which is often in the form of retinol or retinal. The second form of Vitamin A is Provitamin A which is the name given to some 50 compounds in a group of plant pigments known as carotenes or carotenoids. You might have heard of beta carotene most often.

What types of food have this Vitamin A in them? Well now we are getting to the good stuff! Food! Preformed Vitamin A is found in foods of animal origin such as liver (yum!), eggs and butter. Provitamin A is found in yellow, orange and dark green fruits and veggies such as sweet tators, carrots and broccoli.

Just how much Vitamin A do I need to be super turbo healthy? The recommended daily intake for Preformed Vitamin A is around 3ooo IU. Although Provitamin A doesn't have a recommended daily allowance some experts agree that 10 to 30 mg is a great start.

Where might I locate this wonderful Vitamin A in supplement form? I currently use Advocare's CorePlex caplets and it provides 5000 IU of Vitamin A as beta-carotene. You may check out CorePlex here.

Well there you go! One down and like 10 million vitamins and minerals to go. I hope you learned something.

Show up and make it count!

Friday, May 1, 2009

A to Zinc to TWU

I might have mentioned to some of you peeps that I am planning on going back to school in the fall. I have applied to TWU and I am hopeful that they will let me in just because I am old. I am hoping they will accept my application out of pure sympathy or that they just need my cold hard cash bad enough and will take me. Either way the application has been submitted and I am waiting to hear from them.

My plan is to study nutrition and become a registered dietitian. I love this stuff so I got to thinking. My brain is realllllly old and my dendrites just don't hold on to information like they used to so I need to write about what I will be learning. Something about writing makes it stick in my brain. So peeps I am going to be writing about the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. I hope to cover them all. A little ambitious I know, but hey as I always say...set your goals lofty and you just might reach them.

I will start at the beginning with Vitamin A and move on down the line to Zinc. If you have an unusual vitamin, mineral or herb that you are interested in knowing more about just send me the name and I am on it.

I will give you the goods on why we need these things, how much of it we need, what type of foods will provide it, and what type of supplement will provide it and some ideas on Advocare products you might want to try. Check back daily as my goal is to add a new vitamin or mineral every day in May!

Show up and make it count!

The Science Project Update 1

I thought I would send an update on the science project. I did finish the collection of the urine for the magnesium challenge test. I know one thing for sure. I was ready to be done with this part because I felt like I couldn't get 2 feet from the house without having to go to the potty. Also, it is extremely difficult to pee in a cup in the middle of the night without completely waking up. I of course had to pee alot during the night during those 48 hours. Go figure!

Anyway, I submitted my specimen and Jackie, the sweetest nurse ever, gave me two big ol' injections of Magnesium. At first I felt great. Almost as great as I felt back in 1984. Remember 1984 with big hair and parachute pants. Things were so simple then! Anyway, I managed to drive myself back home and CRASH I was asleep. I think the double dose of magnesium was a little much for me. I then proceeded to be sick at my stomach for the next 36 hours which made it impossible to eat. Again, I think the double shot did me in. I noticed on the paperwork that they usually administer one shot to those aged 12 and under. I have decided that I must be a 12 and under magnesium girl. Anyway, I made my way back to the Quest clinic on Thursday morning and turned in my jug of "Lemonade" and guess what? They wanted more blood. Lucky me! I thought for a split second that I could just make a run for it and bail on the blood givin', but then I remembered I am not that fast. As Beau says, "Cindy the only thing that changes when you go from a jog to a sprint in the expression on your face!" I am slow I know so I let them poke my arm once more and then I got the heck out of there. I am now waiting for results.
I start collecting spit on the 5th of May for the female hormone panel. I will keep you posted on that as well.
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