Monday, December 31, 2012

Rockin' on day 5 Paleo

OK peeps I am thinking that my junk in my trunk fat stores are starting to kick in and surrender.  Day 5 was a much better day.  My carb count for the day was only 89 and I felt like a rock star for most of the day.  I think it is like most things.  You just have to give it a chance to see if it will work for you.

Exercise for the day:  45 minute walk with Sam dog.

Eating for the day:
Breakfast:  2 eggs with sausage crumbled up in it and some grated cheese, 2 cups of coffee with creamer and an Advocare Spark.  Carbs: 26
Snack:  Nuts, 2 chocolate squares of super dark chocolate and a cheese slice:  Carbs:  8
Lunch:  Grilled shrimp, 1/2 of a sweet tater, raspberries.  Carbs: 20
Snack:  Advocare Spark, cheese stick.  Carbs:  11
Dinner:  Homemade chili, 5 saltine crackers, Raspberries and low carb brownie.  Carbs:  24

Total carbs for the day was 89.  Never thought in a million years that I would ever survive on this low of a carb count and not want to punch people in the face.  This is a big deal peeps.  A really big deal.  I did manage to dig another scale out and I did weigh and I am down 2 pounds from last week.  I am hopeful that the losing will continue so that I can get back down to my fighting weight.

I must mention again the podcast that I have been listening to called Cut The Fat Podcast.  It is awesome and I would highly recommend it to anyone just wanting fresh ideas on how to lose body fat.  Check out episodes #28 and #29 for great information on carbs and how they are used in the body.  Great, great information.

Show up and make it count!

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