Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Science Project Update 3

It has been a long and trying summer, but I am glad to report that things are a turnin' around peeps. The psychomones are stabilizing and I am feeling less postal. I have gone from wanting to cut you deep with a switch blade knife to just maybe wanting to cut you deep with a butter knife. Ask my beloved Joe and he will tell you that I have been down right pleasant. Thanks honey for hangin' with me when you should have just told me to go pound sand. Not just sand, but wet sand!

I am in month two of using the Emerita Progest cream and I will tell you is the BEST! My dear friend Leigh Ann who told me of Dr. Block and got me going on this whole hormonal journey refers to her cream as CRACK! I get it Leigh Ann yes I get it! I am sleeping better, not totally great, but better. I am not wanting to kill people and my brain feels less foggy. Denny even mentioned that I looked fresh during one of my work-outs. Denny is a hard ass and you can never work hard enough in his gym and for him to say that...well...enough said as far as I am concerned. Thanks Denny! You know you feel better when you are training and you have to leave early and you miss the running part of the work-out. I was actually sad that I was not able to stay and run 6 more 80 yard runs and 6 more 60 yard runs. I guess Doug and I will be finishing up that work-out this weekend sometime. Sorry Douglas it is for the good of the peeps, especially this peep. Anyway, I can't speak more highly of this Emerita Progest cream. I find myself just wanting to order a truckload of it in case the end times come and it is no longer available.

Dr. Block also recommended that I take 15mg of DHEA every morning. DHEA has had some good press and some bad press so you have to take it or leave it. I think it is helping me come out of this funk I have been in for the last 7 months. You might read about it and talk to your doctor and then make an informed decision for yourself. All I know is I feel like a different person in just a period of 6 to 8 weeks. I feel like with both the DHEA and the Emerita Progest Cream I am feeling dramatic improvements. I have a crush on working out again when for the longest time working out just felt like a bad blind date that just would not end. One of the ladies in Keller said to me "Cindy you really love training" yes I do really love it AGAIN!

I have also noticed that my skin is like way better. I had totally given up on the whole make-up thing. I know alot of my reason for not using it was that I am constantly working out and sweaty and it just wasn't worth the effort. Well with this new skin of mine I have actually worn mascara and blush and a little lip gloss for the last two days. Go me! I am thinking that the hormone balance of the cream and the added Omega Plex has really helped my skin. I asked my beloved Joe if he had noticed a change in my skin and he readily said yes. I think he has been sick and damn tired of being married to Ms. Pizza face already. Thanks again Joe for hanging with me as my face has been more broken out than most of the high school kids I train and train with at the gym. I am trying to grow up I promise.

All in all I feel like a rock star. I feel like the Angus kind of rock star. I feel like I could go on tour with him and still be the mama, the wife, the maid, the trainer, the athlete, the pool boy, the accountant...well you get it. I know there is still room for improvement. I know that this journey is long from over, but hey you have to start at the beginning and I am so glad that I did. It has been a long 7 months. I have had to let a few training goals be put on the back burner, but I feel like the turbo Cindy I used to know is back. I say we run some sprints and do some deadlifts just to make sure!

Show up and make it count!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Vitamin C is Cool

OK so I have been a big slacker with my vitamin blogging, but I am going to redeem myself.

The next one on the list is Vitamin C. Vitamin C is like totally cool man as it is one of the most important vitamins of the whole vitamin world. Why you ask is Vitamin C so important? Well let me tell you. It is like a turbo antioxidant which will keep the air off your apple and the free radicals stabilized in your body. If you don't know what I am talking about then go back through this blog and read up my friend.

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin so you must consume it daily. The RDA is around 60 mg which is just enough to keep us from getting the dreaded scurvy. Many experts believe that 500 mg a day is a more optimum dosage split 250 mg in the morning and 250 mg in the afternoon. The body can only absorb so much at a time and hey you don't want to just tinkle it all out so split up the dosage people. Some wonderful food sources of Vitamin C are oranges, cantaloupe, mangoes, grapefruit, raspberries, tangerines, strawberries, lemons, kohlrabi (what?) and cauliflower.

Vitamin C has so many benefits that I thought I would split them up over several blog posts.

I will start with its anti-oxidant power. You know how you can rub an orange across the top of a sliced apple and the apple stays nice and doesn't get brown from the air hitting it. The same thing happens within the body. Vitamin C protects your innards the same way. My understanding is that it defends your body from oxidative stress and keeps the air off your internal apple. This oxidative stress or free radicals are caused by irritants such as cigarette smoke, pesticides (on our food), air pollution (in our air), ultraviolet light (no sun bathing?) and basic daily stress! Free radicals are just a part of our daily life my friends. Growing evidence states that free radical damage is an underlying cause of aging. Vitamin C will go in and kick some free radical butt.

There will be more to come on Vitamin C so keep checking back.

Show up and make it count!