Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'll take mine black

You see peeps for the last 6 weeks I have been cheatin' on my beloved Joe with Mr. Insomnia. It didn't end with just Mr. Insomnia though. It seems that he has friends that he wanted to bring along for the ride. I would go to bed with Mr. Insomnia and wake up with Mr. Nausea. On the particularly long nights Sir Hot Flash would make an appearance as well. I know that most of what I am going through is just a change in hormone levels. I am old you know. I get that part, but I couldn't help but think that there might be something more to this insomnia he** I had entered in to.
In an act of sheer desperation I decided that the only other thing to do was to give up my beloved Joe. Not my real beloved Joe, but my beloved cup a Joe. My coffee people. My dear, sweet, lovely coffee. I miss it so. I miss how it would fill the house with its sweet aroma. I miss how I would mix my creamer just right to get that nice taupe color. I miss everything about my coffee, but it had to go. You see in all of the books that I have been reading over the past 6 weeks there was one common denominator. It seems that most doctors recommend that if you are suffering from insomnia one of the first things to give up is the Java, the beloved liquid Joe, the caffeine baby. UGH! Reluctantly I did give up the Joe and boy has it been a ride. Day one was not too bad, day two the headache from he** arrived and stayed through day 4. But finally on Monday afternoon day 4 the headache magically disappeared. This strung out caffeine freak had made it through. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to go to bed and officially break up with all of the other men in my life. It seems Mr. Insomnia doesn't take break-ups that well. That night I woke at 12:19 am and didn't go back to sleep AT ALL. I thought all of this agony for still no sleep. But wait, night 5 was a totally different story peeps. I slept through the night for the first time in 6 long weeks. I feel like a different person today. Thank you Baby Jesus. I am still not sure if giving up my caffeine is the total answer to my insomnia. I am hopeful and might just have to continue to take it one day at a time. One thing I do know for sure is that I feel a million times better. I don't think I realized what a toll the loss of sleep was taking on my body. I am kinda feeling like a rock star again. Could it be that I am caffeine sober?

Wishing all of you a good night's sleep!

Show up and make it count!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Consistently Inconsistent

My beloved Joe is the inspiration for my post today. I am sad to say that I have temporarily fired myself from training the boy. He seems to be one of those people that is in love with the idea of training. He has become so inconsistent in his training that my fears of him getting hurt came true last week. We were finishing up the work-out and had about 8 minutes left so I added in some extra ab work to pass the time. He seemed to be fine as he was doing the exercises, but later that evening his back completely went out on him. We are talking flat on his back with me waiting on him hand and foot. I thought to myself, "I am quitting this boy." He just doesn't get it. He trains for a week and then slacks for the next 2 weeks and then shows up for one work-out and ends up killing his back. I just can't let this happen anymore.
My point today is this...make a commitment to training. Be consistent. If you train a day here and there you are just going to be sore as crap and pissed off from the pain and sometimes INJURED. Make the choice and put your training on your schedule just like any other appointment. Look at your week each Sunday evening and find at least 3 days during the week that you can get a work-out in. Just do it. We Americans need to face the facts that we are living on junk food and we are FAT. Our hearts are struggling just to keep us upright somedays.
As I have said before start walking, join a gym, call me. Just get going as we are quickly getting fatter and less healthy.
I know that this sounds harsh. I know that firing myself from training my beloved Joe seems mean. I think it is just time to give the boy some tough love. I hope this separation is temporary. ;-)
Show up and make it count!