Monday, December 31, 2012

Rockin' on day 5 Paleo

OK peeps I am thinking that my junk in my trunk fat stores are starting to kick in and surrender.  Day 5 was a much better day.  My carb count for the day was only 89 and I felt like a rock star for most of the day.  I think it is like most things.  You just have to give it a chance to see if it will work for you.

Exercise for the day:  45 minute walk with Sam dog.

Eating for the day:
Breakfast:  2 eggs with sausage crumbled up in it and some grated cheese, 2 cups of coffee with creamer and an Advocare Spark.  Carbs: 26
Snack:  Nuts, 2 chocolate squares of super dark chocolate and a cheese slice:  Carbs:  8
Lunch:  Grilled shrimp, 1/2 of a sweet tater, raspberries.  Carbs: 20
Snack:  Advocare Spark, cheese stick.  Carbs:  11
Dinner:  Homemade chili, 5 saltine crackers, Raspberries and low carb brownie.  Carbs:  24

Total carbs for the day was 89.  Never thought in a million years that I would ever survive on this low of a carb count and not want to punch people in the face.  This is a big deal peeps.  A really big deal.  I did manage to dig another scale out and I did weigh and I am down 2 pounds from last week.  I am hopeful that the losing will continue so that I can get back down to my fighting weight.

I must mention again the podcast that I have been listening to called Cut The Fat Podcast.  It is awesome and I would highly recommend it to anyone just wanting fresh ideas on how to lose body fat.  Check out episodes #28 and #29 for great information on carbs and how they are used in the body.  Great, great information.

Show up and make it count!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 4 way easier!

I am glad to say that day 4 on Paleo was way easier.  Thank you baby Jesus.  Not sure what is happening, but I wasn't about to kill people.  That, my friends, is always a good thing.  Thinking that maybe the junk in my trunk is surrendering a little.  I did manage to do my measurements yesterday so as to have a starting point.  I will keep you posted on the progress.

Exercise for the day was:  45 minute walk with Sam dog.

Eating for the day was:
Breakfast:  2 eggs with wild hog sausage patty and spark and coffee.  Total carbs: 21
Snack:  Coffee with raspberries and cheese stick.  Carbs:  21
Lunch:  Pinto beans with grilled chicken and blueberries.  Carbs:  30
Snack:  Nuts and Spark.  Carbs:  18
Dinner:  Diet cocoa, green beans, and salmon patty.  Thanks again for Carly Jo.  She is an awesome cook and keeps coming to my rescue.  Carbs:  17

Total carbs for the day were 107.

I have been reading a blog called Mark's Daily Apple.  He is the author of the book I mentioned a few blogs ago.  If you have the time and are interested in eating Paleo, you might check it out.  He has great information about all aspects Paleo.  Also, I must mention that the Advocare Spark is helping me tremendously.  I know that Mark would probably say that it is not Paleo, but it is helping me survive this journey so I will continue to use it.  Anything that will keep me from doing bodily harm to someone, in my carb deprived state, is a good thing to me.  If you need any Spark just give me a call or click on the link above and I can get it for you or you can order and have it sent directly to you.

Show up and make it count!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 3 was a beast!

Day 3 of my Paleo experiment was a real beast.  I can tell that all of my sugar reserves from the week of indulgence are gone!  I had a really hard time.  Thank heavens for my Carly Jo and her baking skills.  She googled low carb brownies and made me a batch that basically saved my life.  Love her so!

I know that part of my problem was I worked out yesterday morning with my dear friend Deana the Rabbit.  It was the first time I had lifted in a week.  Also, I just work out harder with her.  Anyway, I was dying yesterday.  I did cave a little last night with a small bowl of chex cereal.

I think I can do this.  I just have to keep eating and working and finding the right balance of carbs for me.  I have to do this for my sanity and for the safety of my family. Just kiddin'.  I am really ready for my body to start liking burning fat again instead of carbs.  Lord knows I have plenty to spare.

Exercise for the day was:  1 hour in the gym with Deana

Eating for the day was:
Breakfast:  2 eggs, wild hog sausage pattie, spark and coffee with creamer.  Carbs around 17 grams.
Snack:  Raspberries and cheese stick.  Carbs 11 grams.
Lunch:  Nuts, grilled chicken and pinto beans.  Carbs 37 grams.
Snack:  Low carb brownie (thank you baby Jesus and Carly Jo) with skim milk and a piece of dark chocolate.  Carbs 11 grams.
Dinner:  Steak with very small amount of black beans and wild rice, cheese stick and 1/2 spark.  Carbs 10 grams ?  I feel like I am off on my numbers here.  :(
Snack that kept me from killing people:  Chex cereal with skim milk and diet cocoa.  Carbs 29.

Total carbs for the day around 115.

I have determined that this is a really low number for me and it is hard to maintain.  I do feel less bloated today.  My beloved Joe broke my scale so I am unable to weigh myself, but that is probably a good thing.  I am going to keep at it.

Regarding the brownies, my friend Deana ask me how I planned on not eating the whole batch in one sitting.  To be honest they are good, but not great.  I am thinking any treat is better than no treat so I am good with them.  I froze most of them in little single serve squares.

Show up and make it count!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Paleo Day 2

Day two of eating seemed a little better.  I didn't cave in the evening.

Exercise for the day:  45 minutes treadmill

Eating for the day:
Breakfast was 2 eggs, sausage pattie, coffee w/ creamer and a spark.  Carb total 21
Snack:  Strawberries and a slice of baby swiss.  Carb total 6
Lunch:  Nuts, carrots, apple, bbq, and diet cocoa.  Carb total 23
Snack:  Cheese stick, nuts, spark.  Carb total 17
Dinner:  Grilled chicken salad with sesame seeds and dressing.  Carb total 17

I was really starving at around 8 PM and had an Advocare fruit and fiber bar.  Carb total was 18.

Carbs for the day were 102.  This is excellent for me.  Gonna keep it up!  I am trying to find that magical number of carbs that makes me happy, but still helps me to burn some of my chub.

Show up and make it count.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Fresh Start

I was looking back and realized that it has been over one year since I have written a blog post.  Shame on me.  It seems that the instant feedback of facebook and such has taken over.  I guess this is the day to start fresh and write on the blog again.

My motivation today is to talk about this whole paleo type caveman lifestyle of eating.  I have been listening to a wonderful podcast called Cut The Fat Podcast and they suggested a book called "The Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation" by Mark Sisson.  I purchased the book and read it cover to cover.  Mark's take on a healthy lifestyle is based on a Paleo caveman type of eating and moderate activity most days with more intense exercise less often.  It seems like a great balance for the most part.

What I wanted to do is write down exactly what I am eating and what type of exercise I am doing on a daily basis.  I will give it a shot.  I started this yesterday so I will post that stuff first.  My motivation to try this is that I am still holding on to not only the 3 pounds I was holding on to this time last year, but 4 more.  Ugh!  Been a tough hormonal year for sure.  I would love any feedback from others that might be living this lifestyle.

December 26, 2012
Exercise was 30 minutes on the dreadmill aka treadmill and up and down from the attic 10 million times putting up Christmas decorations.

Eating is as follows:
Breakfast:  2 eggs with 1 piece wild hog sausage and a spark.  Also coffee with a touch of creamer.  Total carbs around 12.
Snack:  Blueberries.  Total carbs around 15.
Lunch:  Pinto beans with grilled chicken and raw carrots with a diet cocoa.  Total carbs around 39.
Snack:  Banana and a spark.  Total carbs around 33.
Dinner:  Nuts with half a hamburger bun with homemade sloppy joe with reduced fat ruffles and strawberries.  Total carbs around 47.

Total carbs for the day around 146.

I know that there are several items on this list that are in no way caveman eating, but hey you have to start somewhere.  I was thrilled with the carb count since I am the carb queen.  I wanted to give this lifestyle of eating a try since I am still struggling with getting my weight back down.  I have determined that you can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.  Go figure.

Show up and make it count!