Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Smarter snacking

Thirteen days in on the paleo journey and I know this for sure.  If you wake at 5 AM and eat by 5:30 AM and your mid-morning snack comes about 9 AM make sure it contains some carbs.  The reason I say this is that you are zapped by lunch time and ready to eat anything in sight.  Ugh!  I would say at that first snack have some berries or something.  It will serve you well and make you not feel like crap for a few hours.  Lesson learned.  You must put some good carbs in there along the way.  Let me repeat.  EAT SOME CARBS mid morning.  Good?  Good.

Exercise for the day:  1 hour in the gym slingin' and smack talkin'.  Love it!  Love my clients.

Breakfast:  2 Eggs, sausage, Spark, coffee.  Carbs:  17
Snack:  Coffee, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, cheese stick.  Carbs 9  This is where I would put more carbs in the meal.  Especially if you worked out earlier in the day.
Lunch:  Chicken with salad, tea, 1/2 bisquit.  Carbs:  29
Snack:  Blackberries, Spark, Nuts.  Carbs:  23
Snack:  Cheese stick.  Carbs: 0
Dinner:  Steak, blackberries, low-carb Carly Jo cookie, milk.  Carbs: 17

Carbs for the day are 95!

I did some measuring this AM and am seeing some loss in my booty, thighs, and belly!  Always a good thing.  

Show up and make it count!

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