Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Spark Saves The Day

My goal is not to try and push Advocare on you peeps, but I must admit that Spark is really saving my butt lately.  I know that with the cleaner eating I am taking in fewer calories overall.  I am feeling a little drained which is to be expected.  The Spark is really helping with that side of things.  It gives me a little extra perk during the day.  Again, if you want to give it a try go to my microsite at www.advocare.com/0705371 and they will ship it right to you.

Oatmeal ½ cup dry then cooked in microwave for 2 minutes with water
½ banana
4 walnuts
drizzle of honey
put all of this in oatmeal
coffee with creamer

Snack #1:
6 walnuts
6 oz cantaloupe

4 oz grilled chicken breast
2 slices extra fiber whole wheat bread
Made this into a sandwich

Snack #2:
Vanilla Protein powder ½ scoop
4 oz of water
4 ice cubes
Mixed together to make a shake

Snack #3:
Another Spark (been a long day)
10 almonds

4 oz grilled chicken breast
10 sweet potato fries
½ cup broccoli steamed

Snack #4:
Extra small banana

Again, pretty basic eating.

Show up and make it count,

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